We still subscribe to The New England Journal of Medicine, now accessible through our Ovid Database!
We no longer subscribe to the journal through the Massachusetts Medical Society website, so you may have noticed you can no longer access PDFs via https://www.nejm.org/. We had to make this change due to the publisher.
You can now access NEJM through this link directly: The New England Journal of Medicine @ Ovid.
Or when you access PubMed through our special PubMed link (https://moffitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?otool=flmcclib), you will see our full-text links on the article record page. This link will direct you to the article on the Ovid Database website.

Don't hesitate to contact the library at library@moffitt.org if you have any questions about this change or any issues accessing the articles you need.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
- The Biomedical Library Team